
8:36:00 AM

Oh no!  Look what my Mommy did to my Gamma and Gampa!  She took me to the Trunk or Treat event for some Mommy/Daughter time she said, but I think she was just trying to distract me from her nefarious plans!  It worked too!  My ADD + Shopping = Totally oblivious baby!  Don't forget to pick up all the awesome free gifts too!  When we got home, I found my spooky relatives hanging in the back yard.  Mommy is holding their real bodies hostage but I have plans to free them.  Bahahaha!


Hair - TRUTH - Demelza
Eyes - Ikon - Eternal Eyes - Cornflower
Skin - Mother Goose's - Allison
Body - Cute Bytes - Toddleedoo Baby Girl
Shape - My own custom
Bandaid - Shakeup - Nose Bandaids
Outfit - . tiptoes - Bootacular @ Trunk or Treat

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